If you work with pumps, you've likely heard of water hammer. But do you realize just how often its sneaky pressure waves are wreaking havoc on your system?
In our three-part webinar series, Blacoh experts break down what you need to know to reduce and prevent water hammer damage in your pump systems.
Once complete, take the end-of-session quizzes and earn professional development hours*.
*Hours must be submitted by attendee.
Water Hammer
Did you know that water hammer produces two different types of pressure waves? Or that these waves occur every time the water velocity changes?
During our first session, Amy will help you brush up on the physics behind water hammer, including its causes and why it’s so important to plan for water hammer prevention.
The Importance of
Transient Monitoring
Can your current monitoring system detect issues moving at the speed of sound? Unless you can answer yes to this question, you’re missing out on important system data.
Water hammer is difficult to monitor and measure, but that doesn’t mean it's not happening (we can almost guarantee it is). Discover how to find and measure water hammer in your systems during the second session.
How Surge Vessels
Prevent Water Hammer
Learn the physics behind surge vessels and explore why you should engineer them into your next system design.
(Hint - they give those water hammer shock waves a soft place to land).
Each one-hour webinar recording is jam-packed with the most important information you need to help you better understand water hammer and its effects. Better yet, this series is completely free of charge!
When water hammer is accounted for, your pump systems break less and last longer. That means fewer costly repairs, less system downtime, and happier customers and clients.
You can earn professional development hours by completing our (optional) end-of-session quizzes.*
*Hours must be submitted by attendee
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